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☉ Stage07, September 2018.
☉ Stage07, Sep 2018.
⎋ Corona→CPU
3ds Max
The Concept
This visually stunning scenes are all computer generated. The Ferrari is shown gradually out of the dark. The car is an exact representation of the auto manufacturer's model, with d'Atelier's lighting, the setting looks dramatic.
The Aesthetic
The design of the car is already very dynamic because it allows the eye to move effortlessly across its form. SD used dramatic lighting to highlight the true hero, the design⏤revealing every curve and shape, delicately⏤Making sure each reflection hits the car in the right place. The goal was to show that true beauty arises when design and engineering are one, how they fit together, how one makes the other shine. You cannot have a great car without a great design, a great performance without the subtle details⏤The sequence sought to inform that revelation.