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Point-based growth
☉ Stage06, February 2018.
☉ Stage06, February 2018.
☉ Stage06, Feb 2018.
⎋ Corona, V-Ray→CPU
Houdini & C4D
The Film
Écorché is a CG film written and directed by d'Atelier. The film depicts the birth of an AI in a Mary-Shelley-inspired world. The animation and VFX for this short were completed in a month. Naturally, SD edited out many of the original scenes in post. The texture and materials depict realistic organic matter, made in Houdini and Cinema 4D.
The Approach
Écorché is an adjective that designates a being stripped of its skin, like a beast before men consume it. The écorché is without skin therefore it is excessively sensible. It's a being, someone who is deprived and vulnerable. This film is a surreal journey into the psyche.
The Treatment
Director Steve d'Atelier researched a variety of ways to faithfully represent the SSS of bone textures. He wanted to capture the organic composition of the materials used and to give the materials a life. For the cinematography, SD wanted something dark yet subtle, controlled yet imaginative. The scenes were captured with focal lengths anywhere between 28mm and 75+mm, depending on the circumstance.
The Cinematography
Most of the film was shot with a 28mm, 35 mm, in addition to the 75+mm lens⏤a nod to Ridley Scott. The scenes needed to have a dramatic look. The advantage of using a digital camera rig is the freedom that it provides. Once SD had established the rhythm of the world, the way the camera should react instantly manifested.